Real life number XX: Girl: I will only sleep with you if you bring along your hot friend over there. Me: Uh, like a threesome with a guy? Uh... Maybe let me think about it... At nighttime: Me: Hey Tobias, she said yes about screwing with me if you join in, but I swear I will kick your ass if you touch me! Tobias: Like if I touch you sexually? Me: Yeah! duh! Tobias: WHY?! Not even like a little? Moral: Not as much a anti-joke as the weirdest thing I ever experienced...

Has someone been following you? Cause I've been seeing people behind your back.

I asked my friend who the prettiest girl in here is, and he told me to ask you because you seemed more familiar with everyone here.

Guy: hey, we have been friends for a long time but I really need to tell you something Girl: omg I love you too :D Guy: what, no no. I'm a zoophilic

How much does a polar bear weigh? What you don't know? In this day and age? Don't you have like google or something on your smart phone. geeeesh!

What happens when a drunk swedish man prank calls 911 from a local bar? The ambulance comes

In regard to the post below. I'm not even joking, one of my mates actually said that to a girl.

WHEN I ACTUALLY DIE SOME PEOPLE ARE GOING TO GET REALLY HAUNTED. Originally Posted at: Collection of Funny WhatsApp Status

Male: hey sexy whats your sign? Female: dead end!

roses are red violets are blue i have a knife get in the van

Where have you been all my life?! Said the 78 year old alzheimers patient to his teary eyed wife of 50 years.

- Did it hurt, when you fell from heaven? - Nah, angels like me, have wings.

Man and woman in bed: Man: You know I am somewhat a deviant right? Woman: Sure but I am drunk so lets just do it.. Man: I AM SO GONNA BANG YOU! (Man throws dynamite at woman) Woman: WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUU Moral: BANG INDEED... case closed.

Man: Lust is a terrible thing! Woman: I agree. Man: So come home with me and help me get rid of it.

Guy: How much does a polar bear way? Girl; About 500 kilograms

A cat falls into a pool and a rooster laughs. Moral of the story, a wet p**** makes a happy c***

Don't turn this rape into a murder.

Female: You're hot! Male: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha get in the van.

Man enters bar: Man: I AM MORAL MAN! My spear shall cut down the zealots, and my shield shall block (yeah you wish) be used as a additional weapon to push people down so I can thrust my spear even deeper into their hatred filled hearts! Woman: WOW! Moral: This pickup line wont work of course... not for you you aren`t the one and only EPIC: MORAL MAN! ;) Aka Epic man to those that still fail to understand that my morals are morals for a new order! No more religious wars, no more pedophiles, no more hatecrime... stand by me, and I shall not only speak for you, but also fight for you!

Me during the noob days at a bar: Me: So this is fun, want to go to my place and watch The Matrix trilogy all night or something? She: Naaah, I already watched them, but I am sure we can watch something else all night right? Me: Nah, you see I just moved in, and I don't have any other movies, so yeah nice meeting you though! *facepalm*

Man: Dayuuuum *slaps ass* Woman: I just took a shit in my pants and you smacked it.

- You must be tired, you've been running through my mind all day. -No, your mind is so small I can't even take a step in it!

A goat goes to the store and asks the store clerk where the potatoes are. The clerk told the goat to check aisle 5 for the potatoes. The goat goes to aisle 5 and there were no potatoes.

Hi! Do you like fat guys with no money?

Anti-Pickup Line

A collection of responses to pickup lines, and just bad ones in general!

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